20 Inspirational Books for Online Business

20 Inspirational Books for Online Business

Let’s talk about books!🤓

Running an online business can sometimes feel like being in the middle of the ocean with so much inspiration as to where to go to next.

The great thing about reading inspiring online business and self-development books is that you can take the lessons an expert has learned over a lifetime and apply it to your life today!

When you work for yourself, it’s so important to get your rear in gear and also your mindset in shape to deal with the ups and downs. The most successful leaders from Richard Branson to Bill Gates have one quality in common: They’re all avid readers.

I like to read 1-2 books a month and around 90% are related to self-development or business in some way.

Sometimes I’ll throw a fiction and autobiography in there as I find it really valuable to take inspiration from all kinds of literature and other walks of life. Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi and Becoming by Michelle Obama are a couple of my faves!

If you’re heading into 2020, looking for inspiration for your reading list, here are some of my faves I’ve read this year and also a few I’m looking forward to next year!

Nb: This post has affiliate links! Who doesn’t love to splash out on Sunday brunch from time to time?

My fave inspirational books to help you with your Online Business

1. The Miracle Morning - Hal Elrod

My biggest takeaway from The Miracle Morning is incorporating a routine to set yourself up for the rest of the day. The book talks about silence, affirmations, visualizations, exercise, reading and scribing.

I’ll admit I don’t do all of these every morning but I’ve found journaling and meditation to be a great way to clear my mind before I begin my day.

2. You are a Badass at Making Money - Jen Sincero

I loved this booked! Especially the exercise where you write a letter to money, a great way to reveal your relationship and how you truly feel about money. Money is really just a tool to help you and for many of us, our relationship with money becomes personal and often encompasses our limiting beliefs. Having Money Mantras are useful for overcoming these.

3. What if it does Work Out? - Susie Moore

One of my faves! And just it’s title… When you find yourself listing all the reasons why something won’t work, ask yourself a different question. But, what if it does work out?

4. Girl Stop Apologizing - Rachel Hollis

So many takeaway gems inside!

Do you ever feel like you’ve got the symptoms of a comparison hangover? Maybe you’re wondering if your work will ever be as good as her work. It’s time to stop comparing your beginning to her middle.

“If you find yourself worried about the idea that someone else has already done it... You can combine their how with your why to create something epic.”💪

5. I Heart my Life - Emily Williams

Listen to the whispers and follow what excites you… Emily takes you through a step by step process on how to align with what you want and where you want to go.

6. Big Magic - Elizabeth Gilbert

Warning… the nerd in me is going to come out!🤓I adore Big Magic and have read it a couple of times now. When you’re embarking on a creative adventure, this is the perfect book to keep you inspired and motivated.

7. The 4-Hour Work Week - Tim Ferris

I’ll be honest, the first time I read this book a couple of years ago, I couldn’t really relate to it. I’m now re-reading it and much more is sinking in. The fear setting and dreamlining chapters are 👌.

8. Profit First - Michael Michalowicz

If there’s a book about business finances that’s funny and enjoyable, this is the one! I read this book over a year ago, before I even had a business and applied some of the advice to my personal finances. I’m looking forward to re-reading this book in 2020!

9. What to Say When you Talk to Yourself - Shad Helmstetter

So much of our actions are determined by our subconscious programming. It’s a great book to improve your mindset and help you overcome subconscious beliefs holding you back.

10. Start with Why - Simon Sinek

Successful leaders have something special in common: They all started with why. I’m a fan of Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk and this book delves into why it’s on what you do but why you do it. It’ll definitely be one for me to re-read once a year!

11. The War of Art - Steven Pressfield

Do you ever feel resistance, like something is holding you back from starting? If you’re procrastinating, this book will help you get back on track.

The book talks about the many ways in which resistance aims to stop us from doing the very thing we feel called to do.

12. Millionaire Next Door - Thomas J. Stanley

This book focuses on a study of Millionaires in the US and dives into the lifestyle and habits of those who are wealthy and those who seem to be rich from the outside.

13. Girl Wash your Face - Rachel Hollis

Okies… The secret is out. I’m a major Rachel Hollis fan, so I totally nerded out on her New York Times Bestseller. I love how open and honest Rachel is in her own mistakes and takes no excuses!

14. You are a Badass, How to Stop Doubting your Greatness - Jen Sincero

If you need a book to kick you in the butt and get your rear in gear, You are a Badass will do it for you!

15. Ask for it: How Women Can Use the Power of Negotiation to Get What They Really Want - Linda Babcock

A practical guide for women on how to ask for pay increases and get what they want. It’s not necessarily business focused but has some valuable lessons in being able to communicate your own self-worth.

16. How to Style your Brand - Fiona Humberstone

I love this book! It’s great for inspiring your creative process.

17. Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill

The first time I read this book, I annotated my copy and seem to have misplaced it! I’ll definitely re-read this book next year (and probably buy another copy!). A timeless classic on achieving your goals and becoming successful.

*18. The Subtle Art of not Giving a F*ck - Mark Manson

On my list for next year! If you’ve read it let me know what you think of it!

At a recent conference for small businesses in London, this hit me hard. True confidence is not being good at something and knowing that’ll you’ll nail it each time. True confidence is the ability to really suck at something and sometimes even fail and feel embarrassed, then really not care about what anyone else thinks.

So I’m intrigued by this book, just from the title. I’ll let you know how it goes!

*19. Tools of Titans: Tim Ferriss

In one of Tim Ferriss’s podcasts he talks about 17 questions that he frequently asks himself and journals on.

One of these questions is: What if I did the opposite for 48 hours? I find asking different questions really useful for when I’m stuck on inspiration or in a little bit of a what to do next zone.

I’m looking forward to reading this one! Although I’ve heard it’s a mammoth of a book!🙃

*20. The Purple Cow - Seth Godin

I’ve been recommended this book so many times I’ve lost count! It’s on my shopping list!

Do you have any book recommendations? Drop them below!


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Faria is a Squarespace website designer based in London helping you launch a website that excites and delights your audience.


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